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Jay M.

Having served as Software Engineer, I am accustomed to the rigors of fast-paced, highly-regulated environments requiring sharp attention to detail, consummate accuracy, and outstanding communication skills.
Further, I would bring the following strengths to the team:

S/W Engineer @SK(Comms.)
S/W Engineer @Naver
Sr. S/W Engineer @SK(Planet)
Sr. S/W Engineer @SK(Broadband)
Sr. S/W Engineer @JetBridge
Sr. S/W Engineer @Foodup Inc.
S/W Engineer @Medl Mobile
Sr. S/W Engineer @TeamBlind

What I do

I've been working as an iOS developer most recently,
using CoreData, MapKit, AVFoundation, WebKit, CoreLocation, StoreKit, CoreBluetooth.
And I’ve also worked as a backend and frontend web developer in the past using Java, PHP, JS, jQuery, etc.


Something communicating remotely between vehicles and apps in real time such as remote control and tracking locations. It mainly uses CoreData, MapKit, CoreLocation and CoreBluetooth framework for this.

Social Media

Services users can build relationships with acquaintances and share each other's updates like Facebook. The features are mainly implemented using CoreData, WebKit, Mapkit, CoreLocation and framework.

OTT Video Player

Streaming video player like Netflix. This is a player that plays TS data for streaming sent from the server. It uses CoreData, WebKit, AVPlayer and AVFoundation framework for this.

Web Service

All services accessed through a web browser. Create robust backend and browser-friendly frontend code. For this, utilize Java, PHP, Python, JS, jQuery, and React.js ...

daily visitors

yesterday visitors





My latest work

Created the new feature and improved the UI and UX such as visualization of an existing iOS app.
Added the Total Compensation section and visualized it using graphs, charts and something.
And also added Jobs and Recruiting section with powerful filters to search and float-action button.
Constantly adding new features by applying the Coordinator pattern and Clean Code based on MVVM.

Design Pattern

Independence of each screen within the app was increased by applying the MVVM-based Coordinator pattern.

Clean Code

Applying Clean Code and the recent design patterns to create code that is easy to read and maintain.

Unit Tests

Writing test code for models and viewModels to prevent logical errors in advance.

Excellent collaboration

Outstanding interpersonal, communication and troubleshooting skills.

All the power is within you. You can do anything.

Portfolio Projects

Have worked as a software engineer for over 10 years and have worked on many projects.
This is a list of some of the projects I've made along the way.

Latest Blog Posts

Have been running a personal website since 2001.
The following will show articles recently posted randomly in each category such as humor, media and studies.

MS 클라우드 사건 요약

최근 MS 클라우드 관련해서 블루스크린으로 여러 시스템이 먹통이 된 사건이 있었다. MicroSoft Windows 시스템에서만 발생해서 마이크

Read More

가르치는 역할이 중요한 이

지금 생각해보면 학창 시절 말도 안되는 선생이 많았던 것 같다. (선생님이라고 할 수도 없기에..) 정답이 5번이라 함 ㅋㅋㅋ

Read More

Life is not sa

많은 의미가 있는 그림 같아서..

Read More

Toy Projects

Whenever available, I try to learn about trends and work on toy projects related to them.
Here are some of the things I have created that can be displayed on the web.
It can be loaded more toy projects by tapping the "Load More Toys .."

Wordle Hack

Remove B/G

Drone Control

Sharing Locations

AniPang Auto Macro

Path finding

Load More Toys

Thanks for reading

Finally, this is the end of my resume web page.
If necessary, you can send your opinion through the “Contact me” at the bottom.

Jay M.

Senior Software Engineer

Thanks for reading this very long contents.
This will be continuously updated like a resume. Please continue to watch and support what I do. If you find any bugs or have inquiries, please contact me through “Contact me” below.

Contact me

Jay M.   (hooni.net)

Irvine, CA 92620

+1) 994-606-xxxx